What are the universal firearm safety rules?
- 1) Handle all firearms as if they were loaded!
- NEVER, EVER, NEVER forget that a firearm can cause serious injury or death in an instant! Make safe handling of firearms a habit! Even after you’ve verified that a firearm is unloaded, you should still handle it as if it were loaded.
- 2) Never point a firearm at anything you aren’t willing to destroy!
- Did I mention to NEVER, EVER, NEVER forget that a firearm can cause serious injury or death in an instant! We also must consider the fact that a bullet can ricochet or glance off of anything it hits, and that bullets can penetrate walls, ceilings, floors, car doors, windows, etc.
- 3) Keep your finger out of the trigger guard and off the trigger until the firearm’s sights are aligned on a safe target and you have made the decision to fire!
- Keeping your finger outside the trigger guard until you have aimed at the target will guarantee that any shots you fire will go safely in the direction of your intended target.
- 4) Always be aware of your target and everything around it, especially beyond it before shooting!
- Even the smallest caliber bullets can travel very far, so you should be certain of what your bullet could hit before you pull the trigger. ALWAYS positively identify your target BEFORE firing!
What is the difference between Title I firearms and Title II firearms?
Title I firearms refers to all firearms regulated under the Gun Control Act of 1968. This is pawpaw’s shotgun, dad’s Glock 19, etc.
Title II firearms are firearms that fall under the National Firearms Act of 1934, commonly referenced as the “NFA”. These are Short-Barreled Rifles, Short-Barreled Shotguns, Silencers, and a class of weapons called “Any Other Weapon”, or AOW.
What’s the process for buying a silencer?
- This is a pretty lengthy answer, so we created an entire page dedicated to answering it and also linking to all the required documents and such. You can find that page HERE.
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